One of the major people that I owe so much to, for my continued positive recovery, is Mr. Waleed Al-Oboudi. He made is possible for me to walk “normally” again, since after my injury I kept hyper-extedending my leg when I would walk. Although I never needed such, much of the medical profession tries to get you into “braces” if you hyper-extend your legs, Dr. Al-Oboudi created his own braces that actually allow the patient to progress and eventually walk without braces. There is a myriad of other perks and benefits to this man and his practice but, if you want to work with him, first you must be recommended by one of his therapists that work closely with him.

Now he has two practices currently, one in La Jolla of Southern California and the second one in Foster City of Northern California. Dr. Al-Oboudi resides in the San Diego area, but very often will come up to the Northern California practice, as many of his patients are from far away lands and must travel internationally. Having been to both practices on multiple occasions, often I have seen the same clients repeatedly, working with the same therapists. When you initially go down for the first time, you get the unique privilege of working with Waleed himself and if/when you come back, you will be working closely with one of the many therapists in which he watches over.

One thing to make sure of when you first meet with Waleed, is make sure you are decently dressed and do not come off as omniscient, after all you would not be asking for his expertise of you knew everything already. The only thing I caution you on is, Waleed’s services are expensive but, do not be mistaken you get more than what you pay for!