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Contacting the admin should help you gain a better understanding about this topic and is greatly appreciated by the admin! What initially peeked interests in creating this page was the amount of people that were absolutely astonished by the journey embarked. Having personal thoughts or experiences in which you believe there is something missing or not delved into deep enough, please do not hesitate to let us know! Everyone has a different story and a different perspective, so please, let us know of any shortcomings you find! If you have any suggestions or questions that you might like to see addressed, please do not hesitate to contact the admin at chansen7080@gmail.com. Thanks, and your future correspondence is greatly appreciated!


As you might be able to tell, content found on this website tends to be optimistic and full of hope that your loved one can and will get better. This is because, overall this tends to be a very dark time for much of the people who are thrown this “curve-ball,” and please remember negativity never helps any situation. So in the event that you note that there is something you wish were covered, please contact the admin at the above email listed. Just please note that suggested new content may indeed be posted, just so long as it can be spun to have a positive outlook. However, there is no intention of leading a viewer down a path that is unrealistic, so please keep in mind that this website is meant to be positive for brain injury survivors and all those that might be indirectly affected but, realistic nonetheless. Overall, the intention of this website is to show that sustaining some sort of brain injury, no matter how you actually sustain it, is not a death sentence and there is value to what can be learned. So please feel free in contacting the admin.